Should Only The Man Foot The Bills?

I came across this picture and I found it hilarious,obviously the husband didn't drop enough money for food so she drew a picture of fish to go with the little rice the money could buy(LOL)!

On the other hand though,this picture made me think a bit about who should actually foot the feeding bill in a household. 

In times gone by the men used to be the sole providers of everything in the home, from feeding to clothing and paying school fees,house rent and any other bill that has to do with the family unit.
 Fast forward to this era and century where more women are now working and even heading companies,should the men still foot ALL the bills in the home? 

Is it OK for the bills to be split between the couple? What about if the man just can't afford it at the time does it now mean like the first picture he will won't eat?

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