How Safe Are Pictures On Your Phone?

According to reports, nude photographs of many celebrities were leaked online yesterday by a hacker who allegedly broke into the ICloud accounts via their Iphones.

While this is a serious privacy violation, it brings up the question of why are there even nude pictures on your phone in the first place.  In the past few weeks I have had a couple of friends tell me they found pictures of naked body parts sent by ladies to their husband/boyfriend’s phones.

Some of them were smart enough not to snap pictures of their faces but some were daring enough to send full nude pictures. The issue of this kind of pictures has been used to blackmail people in the past but lately caution is being thrown to the wind.
Who is to blame? Is it that ladies just don’t give a hoot anymore? Or dare I say it is a 21st century thing?
I read that some of the actresses whose nude pictures were leaked like Jennifer Lawrence have been very upset and worried. But it is a wake up call to everyone to be very careful about the kind of pictures you store on your phone.

If you know a particular picture will make you uncomfortable if it is seen by anyone else apart from you, it is safer not to take such a picture at all because the way technology has evolved,even if you snap such a picture and delete it can still be retrieved somewhat.

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