Photos: Sierra Leone On 3 Day Lock Down To Curb Ebola

 In positive steps to curb the spread of the dreaded Ebola virus outbreak in Sierra Leone, a three day lock down has been declared by the government and the Police are to endure that people comply with this directive.

The President, Ernest Bai Koroma announced the three-day lock down on movement, asking his people to respect the instruction and co-operate as the survival and dignity of each and every Sierra Leonean is at stake.
Across the city, only a handful of people tried to pass through the roadblocks as teams of medics attempt to locate hidden cases of the disease. The streets of Freetown and Monrovia remain deserted as the vast majority of residents obey the curfew instruction.

Authorities hope to find and isolate Ebola patients who have resisted going to health centers which are seen as places to die. At least 562 people are believed to have died from Ebola since the virus came to Sierra Leone from neighboring Guinea
Unfortunately in Guinea, eight health care workers who were on an Ebola Campaign Awareness have been killed by a mob who feared the strangers were carrying the virus

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