Photos: Parents Sentenced To Jail For Neglect Of Children

 How can a mum and dad be so dirty that they keep their children in a fly infested house littered with nappies and old food? It gets even worse as one of the children even went blind in one eye and his so-called parents didn’t even notice!!
34 year old Gillian Hendry and Craig Dick from the UK were living on benefits, and claimed they were too busy to notice the boy’s plight.

Their case came to light when social workers went to the house in Thornaby, Stockton-on-Tees and the couple would not let them inside. They returned with the police who were shocked by what they found according to the prosecutor David Crook .

 The judge was shown photographs that showed the house in an appalling state of filth and mess. The staircase was littered with trodden-in food and bin bags stuffed with dirty nappies. The kitchen was infested with flies, and upstairs had a filthy toilet and a bath that was filled with cold, dirty water.

 One bedroom had been used as a toilet, and the children’s beds had no covers and filthy mattresses which had turned damp and moldy were in the girl’s cot. Meanwhile by contrast, the couple’s bedroom was relatively tidy.
The boy had lost sight in his left eye from cataracts because his parents refused to take him for hospital appointments that could have saved his sight.

The children have been taken into care and the boy now lives with his natural father, and the girl, who was fathered by Craig Dick, is being put up for adoption.
Judge Howard Crowson sentenced the mother Gillian Hendry to jail for two and a half years and Craig Dick for two years and two months after they admitted to charges of child neglect.

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