Photos: 15 Year Old Girl Wants To Be A Double Amputee Like Oscar Psitorious

Despite Oscar Psitorious woes being labeled as a murderer, a young school girl still sees him as a mentor and infact wants to become a double amputee just like him.

15 year old Danielle Bradshaw says being a double amputee would help her run faster as a paralympic. She had initially had one leg amputated for medical reasons in 2010 and she is is now begging surgeons to cut off her other leg.
For her, the strain on her 'good' leg is causing her constant pain and slowing her down and she wants the leg removed so she can run with two prosthetics and achieve her dream of competing in top-level paralympic events.

Danielle just wants to run and won't let anything hold her back not even her foot. She has won various medals, including gold and silver at the England Athletic Championships, and has now set her sights on the Rio Paralympic Games in 2016 and believes in order to fulfill her Paralympic dreams, she will have to have her left foot amputated.

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