Man Gets Time Off Work In Britain For Having Pregnancy Symptoms

Wonders will indeed never cease as a father to be has been allowed some leave signed off work due to his claiming that he is suffering from morning sickness.
29 year old Harry Ashby of Birmingham, who is expecting a baby with fiancee Charlotte Allsopp says he has been diagnosed with sympathetic pregnancy medically known as Couvade Syndrome after going to his GP complaining of weight gain, exhaustion and food cravings.
He also believes he is the first man in Britain to be signed off sick with the unusual condition, which many doctors are yet to recognise.
Harry said he started suffering from morning sickness and noticed his breasts and stomach were growing, he felt tired all the time and suffered back and chest pains just like his pregnant fiancee.
And he says he hopes speaking out about the condition might help others suffering a similar problem although he is a bit nervous about when his fiancee finally puts to bed because according to his doctor some men with Couvade syndrome also have sympathetic bad labor pains .

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