Churches Take Positive Approach As Regards Ebola

I like the fact that churches are being proactive with their congregation against this Ebola virus. Yesterday at my church, a doctor took the pulpit to tell us what the Ebola virus is and the preventative measures we can take to protect ourselves.

I think this was very cool because the fear in town is leading people to do silly things which could actually make matters worse. Take for example the salt rumor of last week which saw many people bathing with salt and even drinking salt water and about 20 people were admitted in the hospital at Jos for excessive salt consumption.

My church also took positive measures as regards our communion which now comes in covered,compact packages as opposed to the usual open cups and wafer we used to take. 

The Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja also announced new procedures for worshipers at Masses to check likely spread of the Ebola virus.The procedures include giving the Holy Communion on the palm of the faithful as against placing it on the tongue of the recipient. Another change in the church’s practice was the stoppage of hand shake by worshippers done during consecration of the Holy Communion as sign of peace.

Special prayers have also been declared as a spiritual measure but lets also not forget the physical measures we need to take like washing our hands regularly, using hand sanitizers, making sure our meat is cooked thoroughly and washing fruits and vegetables properly.

May God continue to protect and keep us from evil in any form or manner.

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