Clay Mixture For Weight Loss

Nowadays the race to become slim has reached very high levels especially among ladies and rather than eating sensibly, exercising and counting the calories, many have resorted to quick fixes like cleanses,drinks and tablets to mention a few.

The latest fad is now drinking clay(yes clay as in mud!!!) to slim down.

The ‘clay cleanses’ are the latest product in the diet industry which involves either swallowing clay tablets or mixing powdered clay with juice. The rationale is that the clay swells to 12 times its original volume in the stomach, reducing hunger pangs.
Before Clay Cleanse
After Clay Cleanse
 Ladies that have tried it also claim that the indigestible clay sucks away ‘toxins’ thanks to its absorbency, and helps kick start a sluggish metabolism by removing slow-moving waste in the gut like a colonic irrigation.

Meanwhile, the Food Standards Agency has issued a warning about the dangers of ingesting some clay-based ‘detox’ products,as some of them contain dangerously high arsenic and lead levels.Arsenic can trigger kidney failure, nerve damage, skin, lung and bladder cancer; while ingestion of lead can result in anaemia, brain damage and liver failure.

So pls ladies lets be very careful! Its better to be an orobo trying to lose weight than a dead lepa!!

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