Royal Affair At The James Bond Spectre Movie Premiere In London

It was indeed a royal affair as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, WilliamCatherine and Prince Harry were part of those that came to see James Bond in action at the world premiere screening of Spectre at the Royal Albert Hall

Spectre is the third Bond film chosen for the Royal Film Performance since its inception in 1946 and it follows previous premieres for Die Another Day (2002) and Skyfall (2012).

So far, the reviews have been positive, with some critics even awarding the film five stars. Daniel Craig, who has played "007" for the past 10 years was obviously in high spirits alongside his other co-stars.

Also sharing the limelight was his wife, actress, Rachel Weisz who was beaming with pride as she cuddled her husband while they waited in the receiving line to greet the royals

The couple got married in an intimate ceremony in 2011 after a whirlwind 7 month courtship.


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