Another Form Of Abuse? What Exactly Is Breast Ironing?

This is my first time ever hearing the words breast ironing and I am still in shock that such an act really exists even here in Nigeria!

Breast Ironing is the brutal flattening of a young girl's developing chest supposedly to protect her from rape and sexual harassment. The process involves using large stones, a hammer or a spatula that has been heated over hot coals to compress or mutilate the breast tissue and make an adolescent girl look less womanly. For the rich families, an elastic belt is used to compress and flatten the breasts to stop them from growing.

According to a United Nations report, it affects about 3.8 million women around the world and is a widespread practice in Cameroon, South Africa and even NigeriaSupposedly, the act is to prevent girls from developing breasts between 11 and 15 years old in the belief that a flat childlike appearance will discourage unwanted male attention and premarital pregnancy by removing this sign of puberty.

Unfortunately, while suppressing development, breast ironing exposes girls to numerous health problems such as cancer, abscesses, itching, and discharge of milk, infection and dis-symmetry of the breasts. They are also likely to experience cysts, breast infections, severe fever, tissue damage and even the complete disappearance of one or both breasts.



1 Response to "Another Form Of Abuse? What Exactly Is Breast Ironing?"

  1. poor children. so unfortunate. when you think we have exposed most offensive cultural practices, another one crawls out of the woodwork. kai! yet, paedophilia and child marriages still happen upon this senseless preventive measure. shior!


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