When Your Oga Says You Must Lose Weight.....Gerrarahere!

Well that is the situation on hand in the U.S where the Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, is asking the leader of New Jersey's National Guard to shape up.

According to reports from Daily Mail, he has given Air Force Brig. Gen. Michael Cunniff 90 days to slim down and meet his obligations.

Michael Cunniff allegedly took a fitness test in November 2013 and flunked it when his waist size was measured at 43.5 inches which is 4.5 inches larger than what was allowed.

Although he declined an interview request, the National Guard released a statement in which the general acknowledged he failed to meet the Air Force's fitness requirements in recent years. He however said he is taking the matter seriously and is taking the necessary steps to remedy this issue.

Choi....what would you do if it was you?


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