4 Month Old Princess Charlotte Adds 5 Billion Dollars To British Economy?

British royalty have always been known for being quite conservative even though they are worth billions of pounds to their economy but the most surprising is 4 month old Princess Charlotte who is already worth 5 Billion Dollars according to Brand Finance.

CNN Money reports that the youngest member of the royal family is worth $5 Billion to the British economy while her older brother, George is worth $3.6 Billion. Meanwhile their mum, Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine, is worth $7.2 Billion.

Although she has only appeared in public twice, the day she was born, and during her christening, the little princess is already generating impressive value for British business.

The "Charlotte effect" has brought a huge uplift to fashion and other brands which the little princess has worn or been associated with due to the the unofficial endorsement of clothes or items identified with her.

An instance is the $100 lacy shawl she wore when her parents introduced her to the world which has been selling fast ever since she was born. Another item is the Vintage pram she was in which is also selling out like crazy.

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