Guatamela's President Otto Perez, Refuses To Resign Amidst Corruption Allegations

This corruption matter is obviously not synonymous with only Nigeria as in Guatamela, President Otto Pérez Molina is refusing to step down despite strong allegations of corruption and calls from around the Central American country that he should resign immediately.

According to reports from CNN, the President said he will continue to govern the nation of 15 million people and let the legal process take its course.

The 64 year old president has been accused of leading a corruption scheme as a U.N. investigating commission and Guatemala's attorney general have said there's evidence the President and close aides in his administration, took bribes in exchange for reducing or eliminating taxes to companies or individuals seeking to import products into Guatemala.

However, in a message broadcast on radio and TV, President Otto Perez blatantly denied it. Meanwhile, several ministers, vice ministers and commissioners, who have not been implicated in the scandal, have resigned recently, saying they no longer trust him and don't want to be part of his administration.

President Pérez' term in office runs until January 14, but it remains to be seen if his legal troubles or the Guatemalan people will allow him to remain in power.

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