UK Politician, Lord Sewel, Resigns After Video Of Him Snorting Cocaine With Prostitutes

Its bye bye politics after reports leaked yesterday of a deputy speaker in the upper house of the UK Parliament, Lord Sewelallegedly showing him snorting cocaine in the company of prostitutes.

A video was published by The Sun papers yesterday where it appears Lord Sewel is inhaling a line of white powder with a rolled up five pound note.

In reaction to this scandal, he has resigned as Chairman of Committees today and there are indications that he could also face a police investigation over the scandal.

Meanwhile, the speaker of the House of Lords, Baroness D'Souza, said the revelations about the behavior of Lord Sewel are both shocking and unacceptable.

Lord Sewel has been a member of the House Of Lords since 1996 and as Chairman of Committees of the House of Lords, he was responsible for supervising the activities of the chamber's assorted committees, including the one for privileges and conduct.

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