Did You Know Taking A Cool Selfie Can Cost You Your Life?

Selfies have come to become a part and parcel of this 21st century and has even been added to the dictionary. However, it is also becoming a source of death by those who go to extreme lengths to take a perfect selfie.

To curb this, the Russian police have started a new campaign which they tagged "Death by selfie" and they are advocating for people to take 'safe selfies' as there has been an increase in the number of deaths and accidents from individuals striking lethal poses to take a selfie.

A brochure has already been printed stating that "A cool selfie can cost you your life". The brochures are to be handed out to students and the general public and it contains infographics that resemble road signs, most of which are based on actual incidents such as the case of a teenager who died after trying to take a photograph of herself on railway tracks.

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