Corrruption In High Places, Former Aide To Chinese President, Ling Juhua, Arrested

For those of you that think Nigeria's corruption is one of the worst, it seems like other countries are trying to catch up former presidential aide, Ling Juhua, has been arrested for corruption.

According to reports from CNN, he stands accused of accepting huge bribes, stealing party and state secrets, as well as keeping mistresses and trading power for sex.

58 year old Ling Jihua, worked for former President Hu Jintao and from 2007 to 2012, was the director of the Party's Central Committee's General Office under Hu which is a position often compared to the White House chief of staff.

Ling is the latest of a string of former Communist leaders caught in the anti-corruption dragnet launched by Xi Jinping, the current president and head of the Communist Party, after he came to power in late 2012.

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