The Rich Also Cry, VGC Residents Lament Recent Flood That Wrecked Their Houses

This past week in Lagos has been a very wet one as rain kept falling practically every day but the rain that fell on Saturday was in another league of its own.

It practically rained from morning till night and the aftermath of this in high brow Victoria Garden City, VGC was not a palatable experience at all.

A resident from Road 12 shared pictures with Linda Ikeji on what the flood did to their house and honestly, I am still in shock.

It is bad enough that one pays so much to live in this kind of "big boy" area and will still suffer this kind of damage, but then sitting here and trying to figure out what can be done, the truth is those areas are actually prone to flood because it was all water before houses were built on it.

What can the government really do about this?

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