Violent Anti-police Protests Over Death Of Black Man By Police In Baltimore

As if the bad news of events going on in Nepal isn't sad enough, a state of emergency has been declared in Baltimore after the city transformed into an absolute war zone following the funeral of African-American, Freddie Gray. 

The violent protests and public fracas is over his death after an encounter with the police which has turned out into a longstanding issue with young African-Americans in cities around the country.

He died on April 19, one week after being led into a Baltimore police vehicle and his family wants justice, hoping that multiple investigations will shed light on why and how he died.

Unfortunately though, a lot of violence has erupted as a result of this such that over 1,000 Maryland police officers, the Maryland National Guard, and 5,000 officers from neighboring states are on standby in the city.

According to reports from Daily Mail, 15  police officers have been injured, many suffering broken bones and a  $16 Million nursing home built after eight years of construction, has been burnt down.

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