Change Comes To Ferguson,U.S, As Blacks Break History & Now Hold 50% Of Council Seats

It sure seems like its not only in Nigeria that the season of CHANGE which is the APC slogan has come, as change has also come to Ferguson in the United States.

Recall that Ferguson is the area in St Louis where an unarmed black teenager, Micheal Brown was shot dead last year by white police officer, Darren Wilson.

For the first time ever in history, the council board is now made up of 50% black people as opposed to the prior council which was dominated by white people including the mayor.

According to reports from CNN, Ella Jones one of the candidates, has now won to become the first black woman to sit on the Ferguson council, but she says she never looked at it from a racial perspective. but rather wants to be a catalyst that can put a new face on Ferguson.

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