Rapper Jay-Z To Pay Millions Of Dollars For Using Swiss Artiste's Music Without Consent

American rapper Jay-Z will be paying millions of dollars to a Swiss jazz musician, Bruno Spoerri, after using his music without consent.

Initially, he has denied copying the instrumental 'Lilith — on the way'  in his 2013 song 'Versus', but Jay Z has now agreed to pay 50% of the royalties from the song to the Swiss pianist and saxophonist, following an 18-month legal battle. 

This verdict comes just days after Marvin Gaye's family were awarded $7.4 Million after a jury decided that the Robin Thicke song 'Blurred Lines' ripped off the 1977 hit 'Got to Give It Up'.

In Jay-Z's case, the lifted melody came from a song composed by Spoerri in 1978, and the 79 year old veteran jazz musician said legal proceedings could have been avoided with a simple phone call.

Spoeri however said he is flattered that a relatively young rapper can take a sample from an old man. He has worked with the likes of Lee Konitz, Hans Kennel and George Gruntz in a career spanning nearly 50 years and has also directed the Zurich jazz festival and music schools in Zurich and Lucerne.

Hmnnnn...I guess this is a wake up call to people everywhere to calm down on using other people's intellectual property without permission.

Nigerian artistes....shine ya eye Well! Well!

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