Mid Life Crisis? Google's CFO Quits To Travel The World With His Wife!

52 year old Google's chief financial officer, CFO, Patrick Pichette has revealed that he is quitting his job to travel the world with his wife, Tamar.

He shares the news this week via a Google+ post explaining that after nearly 7 years as CFO, he wants to retire and spend more time with his family.

Patrick Pichete however said he will leave the company once they find a replacement. He also explained that this is the right time to step down, as 2 of their children are away at college and the 3rd is working for a start-up in Africa.
The couple is also set to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary this year and he confesses that in that entire time, it has been 'non-stop work' for him and his wife deserves more.

According to Bloomberg Business, his salary is $650,000 monthly and in 2012, he was paid a 2.7 Million Dollars cash bonus,. Meanwhile, CNN Money reports that in addition to his salary and bonuses, he earned nearly 31 Million Dollars from his Google stock incentives from 2010 to 2013.

Hmnnn....how romantic right? It should sha pls not affect our Google Adsense money, I take God beg Oga Patrick o! Lol

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