89 Children Kidnapped From School In South Sudan

It is so alarming the rate in which children are being hijacked from their schools by armed groups. Last year over 200 girls were taken from their schools in Chibok by Boko Haram.

A few days ago, armed groups raided a South Sudanese school and captured 89 children who were taking their exams. According to the United Nations and CNN, the abduction occurred near Malakal, where thousands of people have taken refuge following months of violence in the nation.

Kidnappers gathered around a community and conducted house-to-house searches, according to the U.N. children's agency. It said the victims included boys over age 12, who were taken away by force.

South Sudan has been  in conflict since December 2013, when President Salva Kiir accused his fired deputy, Riek Machar, of trying to oust him through a coup.

Since then, militia loyal to both parties have battled each other and violence has quickly spread, with reports of mass killings and starvation nationwide.

This is just sad and goes to show that the days indeed are evil, may God see us through and continue to protect us.

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