Man Risks Blindness In His Bid To Look Like The Plastic Ken Doll

How vain can one get? That is the million dollar question to ask Justin Jedlica who has already had 190 cosmetic procedures in his bid to transform himself into a human Ken doll.

The latest in his crazy antics as he went under the knife again was to remove 3 veins from his forehead to have a permanent plastic look.

However, this is his most dangerous procedure ever as there was a risk of him going blind  as  doctors needed to go in through the inside of his eyelids in order to burn the veins off.

Luckily for him though, he survived it but says he still has more surgeries to undergo till he becomes 100% plastic. So far, Jedlica has gone through over 20 procedures including back enhancement surgery, rhinoplasty, brow bone lift, shoulder implants and augmentations to his cheeks, lips, buttocks and chin.

So far he has spent $220,000 on this venture and is not opposed to spending more in his quest for plastic doll perfection.

Honestly, I think this guy needs to come to Nigeria let us slap him with some 'agbo'(local herbs)...Lol!

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