YouTube Upgrades Site As Psy's Gangnam Style Hits Over 2 Billion Views!

Despite the song Gangnam Style being released since 2012, the video still continues to break records on YouTube as it has now passed the 2 Billion Views mark. The horse dancing style song by South Korean Psy now has over 2,152,512,000  views thereby maxing out the site's original view counter!

Infact, according to Google which owns YouTube, Gangnam Style has been viewed so many times they had to upgrade to avoid the site crashing suddenly because when programmers built YouTube 9 years ago, they never imagined that a video might be watched a billion times.

However, Google spokesman Matt McLernon says with the new upgrade, the view counter can now go up to 9 quintillion views.

Meanwhile it is still an impressive feat for PSY's Gangnam Style video which was uploaded in July 2012 to still be the most watched video of all time.

Hmnnn....oopa Gangnam Style!!

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