Update On Missing AirAsia QZ8501 Plane: Forty Bodies Found

This is definitely not the best of times for relatives of passengers on the missing AirAsia Flight QZ8501 as at least 40 bodies have been recovered from the sea according to the Indonesian navy and reports from the BBC.

The bodies were spotted along with debris floating in the Java Sea off the Indonesian part of Borneo, in one of the search zones for the plane.

Although there has been no official confirmation that the remains come from the plane, the search operation is now in its third day, with the area widened to cover 13 zones over land and sea.

During a news conference by the head of the operation, shown live on Indonesian TV, pictures of the debris were shown including a body floating on the water while relatives of passengers on the plane watching the pictures were visibly shocked.

Meanwhile, the Search operation head, Bambang Soelistyo said he was 95% certain the objects shown were from the plane, adding that a shadow was spotted under water which appeared to be in the shape of a plane.

He added that ships with more sophisticated technology were being deployed to check whether larger parts of the plane were submerged beneath the debris as a passenger door and cargo door had been found.

On board the plane were 137 adult passengers, 17 children and one infant, along with two pilots and five crew. Prior to this unfortunate incident, AirAsia previously had an excellent safety record and there were no fatal accidents involving its aircraft.

This is just so sad, I can't even begin to imagine what the various families are going through. May God strengthen them all.


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