Joined Together At The Waist But Still Celebrating 63 Years After, Meet The Galyons

The world's oldest conjoined twins, Ronnie and Donnie Galyon are celebrating their 63rd birthday with a trip to Disney World.

They were born joined at the waist and face each other. They have 4 arms, 4 legs, separate hearts and stomachs but share a lower digestive tract, a groin, a rectum and penis, over which Donnie has control.

The twins were born healthy in Dayton, Ohio, in October 1951 but stayed in the hospital for 2 years as doctors tried to figure out how to separate them.

However, when experts said they could not guarantee both babies would survive an operation to part them, the parents said they should stay as they were and the twins agree that was the best decision.

From the age of 4, the twins supported their family by performing in carnival sideshows in the U.S. and circuses throughout Central and South AmericaWhen they tried to return to school, teachers told them to leave because they were too distracting to the other students.

They continued their work at circuses where they performed magic tricks and were treated like rock stars before retiring in 1991 when they were 39 years old and moved to Beavercreek to be close to Jim, their younger brother and his wife Mary.

These kind of story just makes you realise that God is indeed merciful and that in life your mind and attitude to curves life throws you is very important. 

These men had all the reason in the world to give up on life but they never did but rather made the best of their situation and are still, alive, well and happy.

So what is your excuse?

1 Response to "Joined Together At The Waist But Still Celebrating 63 Years After, Meet The Galyons"

  1. If you think you have no reason to thank God, open this and read.


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