Photos: Man Drives Car In Reverse Gear For The Past 11 Years

For some people who know how to drive, the act of reversing can be a pain especially if you are trying to park in a small space and need to keep looking over your shoulder from time to time.

However, for India's Harpeet Devi, he has been driving in reverse style permanently for the past 11 years!! In 2003, his car got stuck in a backwards gear and he couldn't afford to repair it and had to drive around like that.

By the time the 33 year old eventually managed to raise money to fix the car, he was so used to driving it backwards that he had 3 more reverse gears fitted. Now Harpeet travels around by reversing his specially modified Fiat at speeds of up to 50mph and he insists he feels safer going backwards than forwards.

His car now has a redesigned gearbox that allows him to have 4 reverse gears and 1 forward gear. He has even fitted an ambulance siren to alert other drivers and pedestrians and added headlights to the rear of his car.

And if you are wondering if this is even legal, Harpreet has also been given special permission by the state government in Punjab, to drive legally in reverse even though after 11 years of driving backwards, he has begun to suffer severe neck and back problems from constantly looking over his shoulder.

Personally, I find this very weird because even driving forwards has got its own challenges how much more driving backwards permanently.

I wonder how he has been able to cope all this while....11 years?

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