Photo: Linda Ikeji Buys One Million Naira Dress To Support Fight Against Ebola

The biggest youth event in Africa, The Future Awards Africa was indeed an eventful one and asides the winners of the night another highlight was the #StopEbola Campaign.

Yes, Ebola is gone from Nigeria but in some neighboring countries like Sierra Leone and Liberia, it continues to kill many.

The Future Awards started an initiative last month aimed at getting one million young Africans to raise money to fight against the disease and so many people supported the cause.

However, super blogger, Linda Ikeji stood out from the crowd when she put her money where her mouth is by donating One Million Naira to the fight!

The fund raising was via an auction of a custom high end dress by Lanre Da Silva Ajayi and Linda beat other bidders to take home the dress.

She bid a Million Naira on the dress and the proceeds of the auction will go to the UN Ebola Response Fund via

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