Best Christmas Gift Ever As The Two Boys Abducted By House-help Have Been Found

What could be the perfect gift for you this Christmas? For the Esharegarans, it is getting their two sons back yesterday after they were kidnapped last week by their househelp.

3 year old Rafael and 15 month old Micheal were taken from their home in Magodo by Juliet a domestic help who was recruited via OLX an online portal. The report made the rounds via social media and to the glory of God they were found yesterday.

However, there have been varying reports as to how they were found with one report stating that the parents paid 2.5 Million Naira into an account before the children were dropped at the Sagamu Police station.

Another report just states that they were abandoned near the police station and passers-by alerted the police about the children.

Meanwhile, an uncle of the family, Darlington Abuda, said the children would be taken to a hospital for medical examination and that the whole family is jubilating at seeing the boys again.

May God continue to help us all because it seems like domestic helps are on a rampage these days. Just a couple of weeks ago, it was the story of a maid who brutally beat up the child she was taking care of and just this week another maid strangled a 3 year old to death because the family refused to allow her go back home for Christmas.

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