15 Year Old Boy Escapes Death In Taliban Attack Due To Oversleeping

15 year old Dawood Ibrahim is indeed what you call a lucky boy as he is the only member of his class at the Army Public School who was not killed in the recent massacre by Taliban terrorists in Pakistan this week.

The only thing that saved him was that his alarm clock failed to work that unfortunate morning and he overslept, woke up late and didn't go to school.

His older brother, Sufyan Ibrahim, confirmed this to the Express Tribune of Pakistan saying it was just fate that saved his brother as everybody in his Class 9 were killed.

Meanwhile, a 13 year old boy, Ehsan Elahi was actually at the scene of the massacre but also survived. He said he pretended to be dead as the militants continued to spray bullets into his class, turning the room into a pool of blood as body parts flew everywhere.

Following the death of the 132 innocent children and 9 teachers, the Pakistani Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, has restored back the death penalty in the city.

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