Good News!!Positive Results In Development Of Ebola Vaccine

There seems to be a positive break finally, in the prevention and cure of the dreaded Ebola virus as the first human trial of an experimental Ebola vaccine has produced promising results yesterday.

According to some U.S. scientists, this raises hopes that protection from the deadly disease may be closer than ever.

20 healthy adults who received the vaccine in a trial run by researchers from the National Institutes of Health, NIH in Maryland produced an immune response and developed anti-Ebola antibodies without serious side effects, although two people developed a brief fever within a day of vaccination.

The vaccine is being developed by the NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline. The process has been fast-tracked in light of the current catastrophic Ebola outbreak in West Africa, which has claimed more than 5,000 lives.

According to the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesAnthony Fauci, based on these positive results from the first human trial of this candidate vaccine, they are continuing their accelerated plan for larger trials, to determine if the vaccine is efficient in preventing Ebola infection.

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