Could Myles Munroe Have Known He Was Going To Die?

Here is the video by the late Myles Munroe which has got everybody wondering if he knew he was going to die.

Could he have been predicting his death truly? He was in an interview with Jeff Koinange on KTN’s JKL Show in Kenya on Friday the 24th of October 2014.

Here is a full transcription of what he says in the video:

‘I want to challenge every Kenyan to go to the cemetery and disappoint the graveyard. Die like the Apostle Paul who said I have finished my course, I have kept the faith and I have been poured out like a drink offering. There is nothing left. I am ready to die. That’s how I wanna die because there is nothing else for me left to die,’ he told the show’s host, Jeff Koinange. ‘When you die, die like I am planning to die. Empty. It’s finished,’.

it indeed asks the question....would you die empty if death comes today?

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