American Wife Wins 337 Million Pounds In Biggest Divorce Settlement Ever

A judge has awarded the American wife of financier Sir Chris Hohn the sum of 337 Million Pounds in what is believed to be the biggest divorce payout ever awarded by a judge in England.

Sir Christopher Hohn is an English hedge fund manager, philanthropist and an activist investor who runs the Children's Investment Fund and according to reports, between 2006 and 2011, he gave away almost 1 Billion Pounds!

Meanwhile, he and his estranged wife, Jamie Cooper-Hohn, had been fighting over divorce settlement at a trial in the Family Division of the High Court in London this summer. With this amount finally awarded to his wife, at a private hearing in London yesterday, their split has become one of the biggest divorce money fights ever seen in an English court.

The couple separated in 2012 after being married for more than 15 years and Jamie insisted that she should get half of his wealth as it was created as a result of their partnership as  she had worked long hours on behalf of their charitable foundation.

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