Support for Women Going Through Domestic Violence

TV personality Ariyike Akinbobola shares a story in her video on domestic violence which is on an all time increase worldwide and is starting to become a trending issue. However, for me personally, having gone through domestic violence, both physical and verbal for about 8 years, my advice for women who find themselves in that situation is to 'RUN FOR DEAR LIFE!!'.

Domestic violence is a pattern and a habit and often time a psychological issue that can be traced to the abuser's childhood where that was the norm. I believe so much in Faith and nothing being Impossible for God to do but sometimes you need to remove yourself from that situation to allow for the abuser to come back to his senses and seek help in terms of counseling and prayers.

This is because an abuser escalates in his actions, he will move from just shoving you to slapping you, punching you in parts of your body that won't show to people and then he just doesn't care anymore and starts hitting you in your face and God forbid hitting you with any object he can lay his hands on. It could eventually get worse with the woman becoming a regular at the hospital and sometimes the worst case of all death from a very bad case of beating, shooting or stabbing.

Unfortunately, so many women find themselves in this situation and are afraid to speak out despite having the finer things of life. I call it the 'What Would People Say Syndrome', whereby you keep worrying about other people's reaction to your situation. 

Please remember that people will always have their opinions and perception about you. Sometimes that opinion might be right and at other times it might be wrong but who actually are you accountable to as regards what happens to you? 

So rather than become a statistic and become added to the number of victims that lost their lives due to this unfortunate situation, speak out and get help now.

There is actually a support system right here in Lagos which is the Office of the Public Defender to help people in this situation and even get free legal services.


Funsho Williams Avenue

Barracks or Stadium Bus stop

Western Avenue, Surulere, Lagos

Tel: 01-8975571, 01-7926928, 01-7926930



130, Lagos Road

Jumofak B/Stop Ikorodu, Lagos

Tel: 01-7210890





1 Response to "Support for Women Going Through Domestic Violence"

  1. This is a major issue that ppl keep coding. May God help us


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