Photos: Is the Word Virginity Offensive?

 Does the word "Virginity" evoke discussions of sexuality or religious belief? It seems people now associate the word "Virginity" with religion as a junior high school student in Arkansas was asked to change her top because the words ‘Virginity Rocks’ was written on it.
Chloe Rubiano who actually bought the tee shirt at a Christian festival last year said she has always loved the top and never knew it was bothering anyone. She was asked to leave her class and given a gym shirt to change into.

According to the school administrators, the message on the tee shirt opens up too many doors for conversations about sexual activity or lack of it. The school Superintendent, Paul Hewitt said the school was simply adhering to its rules about writing on clothing.
But honestly,"Virginity" is not a dirty or offensive word is it??

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