Keep Your Hopes Up As We Enter The 'Ember' Months

 I woke up today the 1st of September reminded that there are three months left to the end of the year. This set me on a kind of sober reflective mood where I started to take stock of what I have achieved so far this year.

Feeling a bit down because I still have more to achieve on the list of accomplishments I made for myself this year, I started to browse the internet so depression wouldn’t set in and I stumbled across this man’s story which made me have a rethink.
 Claudio Veira De Oliveira from Monte Santo, Brazil is a 37 yr old man who was born with a rare condition of the joints that left him with severely deformed limbs and his head is permanently upside down!!!!
Claudio giving motivational speech
It sounded really horrible and hopeless until I read further and realized that despite his physical limitations, Claudio has defied all odds and is now an accountant and inspirational public speaker.(so what is my excuse of not making it?)
Claudio and his family
He said he saw himself as being normal and refused to see himself as being different despite the odds and this saw him succeeding even when it seemed so impossible based on his physical limitations.

Claudio types with a pen held in his mouth, operates phones and a computer mouse with his lips and has specially made shoes that allow him to shuffle around town.
Life might throw us a negative turn sometimes but we need to keep pressing on and never allow it overwhelm us because the truth is you might feel like your case is the worst until you hear of someone else and then realise that things are not always the way they seem.

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