Japan Battles Dengue Fever caused By Mosquitoes

Just as Africa is battling to contain the dreaded Ebola Virus which has fever symptoms, Japan is also battling its first outbreak of Dengue Fever in almost 70 years!!

What actually shocks me about this disease is that it is spread by mosquitoes,causes symptoms like high fever and severe joint pain

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO),it could develop into a potentially lethal complication called severe Dengue which can lead to death.

The health ministry says it might  have been contracted by visitors to Tokyo's popular Yoyogi Park and signs have been placed there to warn tourists and locals.

Unfortunately, just like Ebola,there are no vaccines or drugs against Dengue but medical experts said avoiding mosquito bites is the best precaution.

And to think that mosquitoes bite us anyhow here in Nigeria and cause Malaria.....it is well o!!

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