6 Young Iranians Stand Trial for Posting You Tube Video of Pharell Williams Song 'Happy'

Some young Iranians sure aren’t ‘happy’ as trial started in Tehran today accusing them of  disturbing the public because they made a You Tube video of Pharell Williams’ hit song ‘Happy
The friends were first arrested in May after police took offense at the video, which shows three men and three unveiled women dancing in the streets and on the rooftops of Tehran just as in the original and is one of hundreds of covers of the hit song made by fans around the world.
According to Tehran Police Chief, Hossein Sajedinia ,the video clip was vulgar and hurt public chastity(what does that even mean?)


 The arrests came despite the three men and three women setting their video to private when they realized it had angered Islamic authorities.

Pharell himself has weighed in on the controversy on Facebook saying it was sad that these youths were been arrested for trying to spread happiness. He also tweeted a link to a New York Times blog story about the arrests and posted a message that appears to offer support for the accused saying 'Happiness is our people's right. We shouldn't be too hard on behaviors caused by joy.'

 During their interrogation, the women were veiled as Islamic law stipulates that women must cover themselves in public and Sajedinia said they 'confessed to their criminal acts.'
Meanwhile, one of them explained that the video was meant as a celebration of Iran and to show that young people there have fun like they do anywhere else in the world.
Amnesty International UK's Head of Campaigns, Champa Patel, has condemned the trial and said arresting people for dancing in a video tribute to a song called Happy is taking things to a new level of dark irony even for the authoritarian Iranian authorities.

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