Romance Gone Wrong

Most of us ladies often complain that our boyfriends or husbands are not romantic enough but what happens when a romantic gesture goes wrong? Will it still be appreciated?

Well that’s what happened to Amanj Ussen who went all out the romantic path by using candles to spell out his girlfriend’s name and also a heart all in a bid to welcome her back home from a month abroad visiting her family.

Unfortunately it backfired(I mean that literally)as the candles set the room on fire which raged through the whole house!

Amanj lit the tea-light candles amidst champagne chilling and flowers scattered all over the floor of the room(*swoons* aint that romantic?),but as he waited excitedly by the front door for his babe to arrive,he heard a loud bang...running into the house, it was already on fire.

The couple’s bedroom was totally destroyed by the fire while the rest of the house suffered smoke damage. Luckily for him though,Jana his girlfriend said she was touched at the gesture but unluckily for them they are now looking for new accommodation as the house has been damaged by the fire.

Tea lights are candles that are encased in a thin metal or plastic cup and usually come in small sizes but they can also be dangerous as the flame from it can quickly ignite a nearby curtain or clothing if it’s placed too close, or gets knocked over.

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