I-Phone To Blame Or Not?

Hmnnn...this Iphone mishaps continue to be an issue,just last month I blogged about two different ladies that died while receiving a call on their Iphone while it was charging.

Now the latest is about a teenager in Berkshire who fell asleep lying on his Iphone and was left with a two inch hole burnt into his arm!!

18yr old Jake Parker fell asleep after a hard day while browsing on his phone and the next morning he woke up with a large blister on his arm and his phone in a very hot state.

The blister eventually burst and got infected and he had to go to the hospital where it was suggested that he had a radiation burn and would be scarred for life.

Lets be very careful peeps,don't talk on your phones while it is charging and don't sleep with your phone beside you on the bed. It is sure better to be safe than sorry!

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