Caution While Taking Paracetamol

Seeing this news on the internet has made me very cautious because I am like the 'Paracetamol Mistress'. For me Paracetamol cures everything from headache to menstrual pain and even to feeling feverish atimes.

There is even a little drawer in my room filled with Paracetamol both imported and local in caplet and round forms because I use it for any form of pain or ache my kids and I might have.

Unfortunately,evidence is mounting to show that Paracetamol is not as safe as we might think.Studies conducted across the world links the drug to a number of very serious side-effects which include asthma and developmental defects, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, as well as potentially lethal heart and kidney problems in adults.

The evidence has prompted drug watchdogs in Britain and America to warn doctors against routinely prescribing Paracetamol. Seif Shaheen, professor of respiratory epidemiology at Barts and the London School of Medicine, says there are also worries that Paracetamol may raise the risk of children developing asthma. 

Professor Donald Singer, a fellow of the British Pharmacological Society, however says 'It is a useful drug when used in the right way, but it is a powerful drug with powerful side-effects when taken excessively.He warns that people should be careful of overdose either intentionally or otherwise.

Excess Paracetamol can overwhelm the liver's processing abilities and cause damage, resulting in acute liver failure.So lets be safe than sorry and make sure we take Paracetamol if need be in moderation.

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