Oyinbos Have Come Again o!!!!

Oyinbos have come again with all this their research matter…the latest finding is that we should stop washing our chicken before cooking as washing it in the sink or under the tap can spread bugs in the kitchen which can cause food poisoning(ghenghen!!!!)

According to health experts,the Campylobacter bug which is present in chicken causes over two hundred thousand cases of food poisoning yearly leading to about five hundred deaths a year. So to avoid this,they advice we stop rinsing our chicken before cooking as boiling the chicken will eventually kill any bacteria in it.

One of the executives of the Foods Standard Agency, Catherine Brown says Campylobacter is a serious issue which can cause severe illness and death.

So people prevention they say is better than cure...the next time you buy your chicken just pop it into the pot and boil straightaway without washing!!!

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