There's Fire on The Mountain......

Another bomb blast again and another reminder that the days are indeed evil and another confirmation that indeed the heart of man is desperately wicked.........

The bomb blast at Nyanya motor park in Abuja on Monday was horrific to say the least. On a Monday morning, innocent people trying to go about their hustle and bustle for daily bread just had their lives snuffed out and cut short!!!

When does this all end?why did this happen?what is the justification for this and how does it stop? These are some of the questions that run through my mind.

Did these people offend anyone? Did they deserve to die? Only God knows the answer to that and I mean that literally and figuratively.

The thought on people's minds has been that any bomb attack is usually from the terrorist sect Boko Haram and used to be seen like a religious war but this attack at Abuja clearly shows that it is now beyond that. This wasn't a church or mosque,it was a public place filled with people of different religions.

However,watching a narration of this tragedy by an eyewitness at the Nyanya bus park still reminded me that God still exists even in the midst of so much pain and sorrow(don't ask me how)

One eyewitness had just bought a bus ticket and while waiting for the bus to get full,he got thirsty and decided to go across the road to buy a bottle of water and BOOM!!!body parts strewn all over!!!....that's when the bomb went off and he escaped!!!Can you just imagine that?There were also so many people that had such stories of how they narrowly escaped being victims. I beleive this could only have been by the Grace of God.  

However,many people have been saying Competence of our leaders is what will save Nigeria and not Prayers...I beg to differ though,who or what makes a man competent to serve???? That is the million dollar question that remains to be answered but personally I think its God that still makes the difference.

 May the souls of the departed rest in peace and may God strenghten their families and give them the fortitude to bear this loss.....AMEN!!!!!

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