Attack Of The Blues

While it’s not exactly easy to feel happy and upbeat always there are some times you can’t just help but feel the blues once in a while....well, I kinda find myself at that point and I am telling myself to "Let Go and Let God'.

What got me into this kind of mood isn't exactly one particular thing but a series of different incidents and issues. Honestly raising two children alone is not an easy feat I tell you. They vacated last week and what that means is I have to make sure there is extra food, snacks and stuff to engage them at home(asides the fact that another payment of school fees looms).

Another issue is that I feel like I'm not striving hard enough to get more sources of income in order to meet up with the rising expenses that have come my way (sigh)However, though it may seem like depression is creeping up somewhat, I have come to realize that often time we pray and ask God to intervene in our life issues but then we try to help Him sort out those same issues(I am so guilty!!)

I look at where I am right now and of course like Oliver Twist I want MORE!!!!,but then I look back at where I am coming from and know that indeed it hasn’t been by my power or might or because I have any connections except God who has actually done and is still doing wonders for me.

We really need to get to that point when we stop telling God what we THINK He should do and allow Him have His way in our lives(not easy but worth it at the end)

The verse of the bible that tells us to build long-suffering and patience(Romans 5:3) now makes so much sense to me because as a child of God things might seem not to be happening as fast as you want it to BUT God remains in control and ALWAYS knows what is best for us and also the time.

So with all said and done…I refuse to allow myself feel like I haven’t achieved anything and that goes for anyone feeling like life is stagnant or unfair. I advice you take stock of good things that have happened in the past and know that God that did it for you then has still got your back(count your many blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done)

Furthermore, NEVER let the odds or trying times keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do…..CONSISTENCY always yields results.

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