Starting anything over is never an easy feat.Most especially if negative circumstances led to the start-over.
The most important thing though is starting with one's mindset.If you do not settle it in your mind that you want to start over then you aint going anywhere.
Even the Bible tells us that transformation of ones life can only come about through renewing of one's mind and thoughts.
As a man thinketh in his heart so is he...that is just the simple truth.our thoughts can make or mar us thus if you want or need to start over you MUST tune your mind in that direction.
Its never easy but oftentime it is worth it most especially if you had made some mistakes prior to restarting.
Personally,it took me about seven years to get my mind aligned with re-starting life over.I had to give up a bad marriage and a lucrative career and start life as if those things never existed.
What I found helpful along the way was and still remains simple a word as it is it isn't easy to imbibe trust me.This is because you might be thinking that life has cheated you or hasn't been fair to you but HEY GUESS WHAT? IT COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE!! There is always something no matter how minute to thank the Lord for and there is always someone you are better off than.and get this,there is always someone wishing to be you!
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