Coke Comes Up With New Campaign! Share A Coca-Cola With...Nobody?

After their hit "share a Coca-Cola" campaign which got many people excited with seeing their names on cans and bottles of Coke, the company has come up with another campaign which is the opposite of this as it leaves its cans without any label at all!

This new campaign is only for the Ramadan period though and is for Middle East countries. According to them, the idea is to promote a world without labels.

The Middle East is a region with over 200 nationalities and a larger number of labels dividing people and Coca-Cola set out to remind them that while it takes just 7 seconds to build prejudices based on someone’s appearance, nationality or culture, it takes just 1 extra second to overcome them.

The limited-edition Coca-Cola cans features the brand’s white dynamic ribbon, but not its signature scripted logo while the back of the cans include the anti-prejudice, pro-tolerance message: "Labels are for cans, not people." 

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