Skinny Jeans has been a fashion trend for a while for both men and women. However, doctors are now warning of a health risk in wearing them.
According to reports from BBC, a 35 year old woman had to be cut out of her skinny jeans because her calves ballooned in size.
Prior to this, she had spent hours squatting to empty cupboards for a house move in Australia and by evening, her feet were numb and she found it hard to walk.
Doctors believe the woman developed a condition called compartment syndrome which was made worse by her skinny jeans.
Compartment syndrome is a painful and potentially serious condition caused by bleeding or swelling within an enclosed bundle of muscles and this condition caused the woman to trip and fall and unable to get up.
She had to be rushed to the Royal Adelaide Hospital where it was discovered that her lower legs were severely swollen and due to the pressure built in her lower legs, her muscles and nerves became damaged.
Luckily for her though, after 4 days on an intravenous drip she was able to walk unaided.
Meanwhile, other medics have reported a number of cases where patients have developed tingly, numb thighs from wearing the figure-hugging skinny jeans.
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