Chinese Billionaire Gives 6,400 Staff Luxury All Expense Trip To France

How would you feel if as a worker, your boss takes you on a 4 day all expense paid luxury trip?

Well a Chinese billionaire has done this to not 1 or 2, but 6,400 of his staff on a 4 day holiday to France and ended up with a world-record breaking human chain in the Cote D’Azur. 

Li Jinyuan, the Tiens Group Company Chairman  booked rooms in 140 4 and 5 star hotels in Paris where the group visited the Louvre and various cultural sites in one of the world’s most famous and revered cities.

It is alleged that he spent over 30 Million Euros to achieve this major feat. 57 year old Li Jinyuan, is listed as a billionaire on the Forbes rich list and took more than half of his staff to the region to celebrate the 20-year anniversary of the founding of the company.

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