Ice Cream Lovers...This Is For You, Blue Bell Recalls Ice-cream Due To Health Concerns

The 3rd largest ice cream manufacturer in the US, Blue Bell Creameries, have recalled all of its products from the market after two samples of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream tested positive for listeriosis.

Listeriosis is a bacteria infection and the symptoms include fever and muscle aches, often preceded by diarrhea or other gastrointestinal symptoms. It is also invasive which means that the bacteria can spread from intestines to the blood stream and can occur even 2 months after eating contaminated food.
Blue Bell Creameries had to do this recall after the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention linked their ice cream contaminated with listeriosis to 3 deaths at a Kansas hospital

This will be the first ever recall in its 108 year history and they sell their products in 23 states in America. However, according to Blue Bell's chief executive Paul Kruse, the company is yet to know how the bacteria was introduced to the manufacturing line.

He explained that in order to ensure that such doesn't happen again, they have to take all of their products off the market until they can be confident that they are all safe.

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