There is the usual saying that when life throws you lemons you turn them into lemonade which is exactly what 18 year old Daria Rose has done with the hand fate dealt her after her family lost everything in the deadly Hurricane Sandy of 2012.
Hurricane Sandy was the deadliest and most destructive hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season, as well as the second-costliest hurricane in United States history. that caused damages of over $68 Billion and killed at least 233 people.
It was a tough period for Daria and her family as they lost everything including their home and going to school since then was very difficult for her.

However, in a twist of events, she now has a bright future ahead of her as she has just been accepted into 7 Ivy League schools!
According to ABC reports, she took a risk and applied to the 7 schools expecting at least 1 of them to accept her and boy was she shocked when the 7 of them including Harvard,Brown and Princeton, Dartmouth, University of Pennsylvania, Cornell, and Brown accepted her.
She said it was like a dream come through as since the hurricane herself and her family were moving from place to place as they didn't have a home and it made finishing high school very difficult.
Her mother, Katrina Brooks said the experience turned out to be a blessing because it provided the teen with something substantial to write to the schools' admissions offices and rather than wallow in self pity at their situation, Daria was positive all the way.
Meanwhile, she has until May to decide which of the 7 Ivy League schools to attend.
Meanwhile, she has until May to decide which of the 7 Ivy League schools to attend.
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